Attendance Policies
It is important that parents and students understand the following State and District guidelines. Be advised that parents must call the school office or send in a note to clear an absence. Any absence not verified by a parent/guardian within 5 days will be marked as unexcused.
Absences should be called in the morning of or the day before the child is going to be absent. Please call in even if your child is going to arrive late. Absences by law, must be excused in writing or by phone. Absences may be reported by calling the main office at (619) 615-7000 and leaving a message. The district's Connect-Ed system will make automated phone calls when students are absent or tardy.
Excused Absences: Absences or tardies are considered excused only for the following reasons and with proper documentation:
Illness such as vomiting, fever or contagious disease. Students are allowed 10 excused absences/tardies per year for illness. After 5 a doctor’s
note will be required and students may be referred to administration per district regulations.
Medical/dental appointments (time excused will only be for a reasonable time to attend
appointment) Please try to schedule medical appointments on minimum days or before or after school hours to avoid lost instructional time.
Court appearances requiring student’s presence
Attending the funeral of an immediate family member (parent, grandparent, sibling, or
family member residing in the home)
Unexcused Absences: An unexcused absence or tardy is recorded for reasons other than those listed above. The following are examples of unexcused absences: going out of town, traffic, family celebrations.
Doctor's Appointments, Early Dismissal - Please come to the office and sign out your child. You MUST bring a PHOTO ID and your name must appear on the Student Enrollment Card.
Extended Absences/Contracts - If your child is going to be absent for 5 or more days, please contact the attendance office at least 2 WEEKS in advance so that teachers can prepare a homework packet for your student. Students are required to have homework completed and submitted to their teachers upon return to school in order to receive credit. Late notifications will not guarantee homework.
Tardies - Students arriving after the 9:00 am bell will receive a TARDY SLIP at the gate. If students arrive after 9:15 am, students must go into the office for a TARDY SLIP.