The Kid's Choice Café is the district's elementary healthy-choice breakfast and lunch program that encourages students to choose foods wisely and establish lifelong positive eating habits. The program promotes the theme "It's Cool to Eat at School."
Kid's Choice Café menus are distributed to each student and posted on the Food Services website. The KC News (the monthly Kid's Choice Cafe Newsletter) is published monthly in both Spanish and English. It is given to students to take home and is designed to be read by the entire family. The KC News features the "Harvest of the Month," holiday and special promotions, new menu items and information on health and fitness.
Sherman Academy has been selected to participate in the Provision 2 Breakfast and Lunch Program, which means that all students will receive free breakfast and lunch and will not need to enter a Personal Identification Number (PIN) in the cafeteria. Breakfast will be sent home with students the day before, to be eaten at home before school the next day.